Nathalie Baillon

Date of Birth: 18 May 1990

Lives in: Montbonnot-Saint-Martin-Saint-Martin, next to Grenoble in France

Bike(s) owned and size: Liv Langma Advanced 2 for sport, Sego 120 1.2 to commute and a soon a new gravel bike!

Favorite Ride: the longest the better

Cyclist Type: downhill racer, backpacker, ultra endurance

Average Ride Distance: 100+ km on weekend rides, 30+ km on week rides

Average Speed: 20km/h because I like to add as much elevation as possible to my rides

Longest Ride: 2600km during the Race Across France

Preferred Terrain: mountains

Years in cycling: 14 years

Favorite post-ride food and/or drink: Anything with chocolate

Languages: French, English and a little bit of German and Spanish

Profession: Android Software Engineer

I am Mad4cycling: because I think about riding my bike all the time and couldn’t live without it