Justin Crawford

Date of Birth: January 31, 1989

Lives in: Apex, North Carolina, USA

Bike(s) owned and size: o many!! Custom titanium tandem built in China, Bike Friday Tandem Twosday, custom ti road bike built in China, Chinarello Dogma, Chinarello cross bike, fixie, Nashbar touring bike. All size 56cm.

Bike Share: Yes will be happy to have other riders use it on a case by case (Insurance Applicable)

Favorite Ride: Anywhere on the Blue Ridge Parkway

Cyclist Type: all-around rider

Average Ride Distance: 80 km

Average Speed: 28-35 kph

Longest Ride: 600 km, completed a 1200 km event, but it was 3.5 days

Preferred Terrain: hilly to mountains

Years in cycling: 19

Favorite post-ride food and/or drink: mexican

Languages: English and some Mandarin

Profession: Chemical engineer

I am Mad4cycling: Because it's an escape from the real world and gives me a chance to relax and let my mind roam while also making me feel great! All the worlds problems could be solved if we all just rode bikes!