Edo Madussi

Date of Birth: 22 July ‘86

Lives in: Harlem, New York City

Bike(s) owned: 4 bikes, all 58cm

Bike Share: Yes will be happy to have other riders use it. (Insurance Applicable)

Favorite Ride: Capanna Monte Bar

Cyclist Type: Gregario, “Gamba Lunga”, Climber

Average Ride Distance: 80km

Average Speed: 26km/h Mix terrain

Longest Ride: 200km Appalachian Mountains

Preferred Terrain: Mountains

Years in cycling: 15

Favorite post-ride food and/or drink: Pasta Aglio, Olio, Peperoncino e Acciughe e una Birra ghiacciata

Languages: Italian, English, German, French

Profession: Clinical Trial Consultant, Pharmaceutical Entrepreneur

I am mad4cycling: There is no better dopamine in the world then the one created by physical achievements

Extras: My wife and daughter are instead my source of oxytocin

Tip… I am currently researching the role of brains hormones on our behavior!