Giacomo Albisetti (Bixi)

Date of Birth: 30 January ‘82

Lives in: Wädenswill, Zürich

Bike(s) owned and size: 7 bike, 56cm

Favorite Ride: “4 lakes ride” (Zurich/Zug/Sihl/Aegeri)

Cyclist Type: a mountain lover converted into a commuter...

Average Ride Distance: 40-60km

Average Speed: 25kmh (mountain), 28 (hilly), 30+ (flattish)

Longest Ride: 240km home2home (Zurich-Lugano)

Preferred Terrain: Mountains

Years in cycling: 20

Favorite post-ride food and/or drink: pasta pomodoro / cold beer

Languages: Italian, German, English, French

Profession: Business Development, Mechanical Engineering

I am Mad4cycling: because I just cannot imagine a life without a bike

Extras: when not on the saddle, you can find me playing with my 2 daughters or my saxophone!