Andy Peralta

Date of Birth: March 22, 1989

Lives in: New York City

Bike(s) owned and size: 1979 Fuji Royale; 2015 BMC TeamMachine SLR02

Favorite Ride: South to North County Trailway

Cyclist Type: Not sure. Still very new to the sport so I'm still figuring out what my strengths and weaknesses are!

Average Ride Distance: 20 Miles

Average Speed: 15 Mph

Longest Ride: 103 Miles

Preferred Terrain: Ashphalt!

Years in cycling: 1,5 Years

Favorite post-ride food and/or drink: Anything between the bread (i.e: burgers, sandwiches, wraps, etc) and a beer. But only if the ride is especially tough!

Languages: English / Spanish

Profession: Compliance Officer (Control Room)

I am Mad4cycling: Because it's a fantastic workout and a great way to explore!