Alain Rumpf, aka A Swiss With A Pulse

Date of Birth: 22 November 1971

Lives in: Gryon, Switzerland

Bike(s) owned and size: Scott Addict RC Disc, Scott Solace Disc

Favorite Ride: the Col du Sanetsch loop in Switzerland

Cyclist Type: climbing roadie who loves to venture into gravel biking and bike-packing from time to time

Average Ride Distance: 9’000km per year, less if it’s a good ski season

Average Speed: 22 kph. You ride slow when you live in the Alps

Longest Ride: 404km, crossing Switzerland from east to west

Preferred Terrain: the mountains

Years in cycling: 35 (yikes)

Favorite post-ride food and/or drink: A plate of cured meat and cheese with a beer

Languages: French, English, German, Italian

Profession: Professional bike bum

I am Mad4cycling: because my mom sent me to the local cycling club when I was 12 and it was love at first sight. Thanks mom!!

Anything else you want us to know about you? I love cheese